Resolving Electrical Substations in Eminent Domain
Fighting for Landowners' Rights Since 1984
As a community expands and populations increase, utility companies typically need to maximize and increase the efficiency of their electric supply to residents and businesses by building electrical substations. Electrical substations also require extensive land, which the utility company will need to secure from private landowners. If you have been notified by the utility company or government that your land is needed for an electrical substation, talk to our Houston eminent domain lawyers at McDowell Law Group LLP. We can review the offer to see if you are being compensated what you deserve.
Contact us to schedule a no-cost consultation: (713) 496-0504.
Helping You Obtain Compensation From Utility Companies
While electrical substations are a necessary infrastructure, it is often a very undesirable development for many homeowners to live near. The presence of power lines is simply unattractive in a neighborhood. Electric substations also produce odors and buzzing sounds that may interfere with one's health. All of this quickly reduces the value of surrounding land.
We understand your concerns, and we can use our in-depth knowledge of eminent domain law to help you fight for fair compensation.
Our firm can help protect you during the case by:
- Reviewing the monetary offer to evaluate whether it is the maximum settlement you are entitled to receive
- Negotiating aggressively to maximize the value of your land
- Ensuring that the electrical substation is an authorized project and is following the right legal protocols
- Creatively resolving disputes in a cost-conscious manner
- Protecting your landowner rights and making sure the utility company does not take advantage of you
Our qualified attorneys can walk you through the steps and make sure that you are being fairly compensated for your property, including land value, relocation expenses, and other compensatory damages you may be entitled to receive. While it is not necessary to hire a Houston eminent domain lawyer, it is often recommended. Eminent domain laws and the process is complex, and dealing with government authorities can be intimidating.
Discuss your electrical substation case with our team for FREE. Just call (713) 496-0504 to get started.

Request your no-obligation case review today.