Construction Accident Attorneys in Houston
Fighting for Recovery in Work Accident Cases
Have you suffered a severe injury such as paralysis or amputation in a construction accident, industrial accident or other work accident? If so, you may have a strong case against your employer or a third-party for liability in a personal injury lawsuit. If your construction accident occurred in the Houston area or anywhere in Texas, McDowell Law Group LLP can help you seek compensation for your injuries and suffering.
Discuss your case at no cost - Call us at (713) 496-0504.
Causes of Construction Injury
Our firm combines decades of experience in personal injury litigation with a thorough understanding of the complex liability issues that often arise in construction accident cases. We can investigate to help you identify the source of the accident and the liable parties.
Construction accidents are commonly caused by:
- Falls from ladders and scaffolding
- Falling equipment and materials
- Defective equipment
- Crane accidents
- Forklift accidents
- Missing safety warnings and instructions
- Insufficient safety training
- Environmental exposure to hazardous materials
- Explosions
At McDowell Law Group LLP in Houston, you will work one-on-one with an experienced Houston construction accident injury lawyer who will fight hard to get you the recovery you need and deserve for your serious work accident resulting in severe or catastrophic injury, expensive medical bills, significant lost wages, and pain and suffering.
In Texas, you cannot sue your employer if you sustained an on-the-job injury
- You give up this right by accepting
workers' compensation benefits.
However, if a third party was responsible for your injuries, you can pursue
a claim against them. Learn more about your rights in workers' compensation
and injury claims by contacting our firm.
Call (713) 496-0504 to Request a Free Consultation
A dedicated workplace accident attorney at McDowell Law Group LLP stands ready to discuss your legal options for seeking the compensation you deserve for your serious work accident or defective industrial equipment injury. We do not charge any fees unless you get paid through a settlement or verdict.
If you were hurt on the job or were a passerby who was injured in a construction accident, contact our office in Houston today.

Request your no-obligation case review today.