Hold Distracted Drivers Accountable
No Fees Unless We Win - Call (713) 496-0504
Distracted driving is one of the fastest-growing dangers on the road. Many people overestimate their ability to multitask and underestimate the degree to which distractions will impair their driving. This overconfidence takes a deadly toll, and victims like you often pay the price. Learn more about whether you can receive compensation for your injuries by talking to our Houston car accident lawyers at McDowell Law Group LLP.
We are ready to help you hold negligent drivers responsible. Request a free review of your case today.
The Hidden Danger of Distractions
Distractions are all around us. In an age of mobile technology when even our vehicles come equipped with numerous electronic distractions, it is difficult for many people to set those temptations aside.
Common distractions behind the wheel include:
- Talking on a cellphone while driving
- Texting and driving
- Surfing the web or "Facebooking" while driving
- Fidgeting with a GPS
- Eating and drinking
- Applying makeup
Sadly, some drivers don't appreciate the importance of devoting their undivided attention to the road. They should be held responsible when their carelessness takes a serious toll on the life or health of others. Because distracted driving is so prevalent, it is often a factor in serious motor vehicle accidents. Driving while distracted is a form of negligence and may lead to legal liability.
Trusted Advice from Accomplished Houston Car Accident Lawyers
If you or a loved one fell victim to a distracted driver - or you suspect that another's distracted driving was at play in the accident - turn to the attorneys at McDowell Law Group LLP. Our lawyers have decades of personal injury experience. We bring a pragmatic, results-driven focus to every case.
With a wealth of trial experience, numerous professional awards and accolades, and an individual client-centered approach, our legal team truly stands apart.
Call our Houston office at (713) 496-0504 to discuss your case in a free initial consultation.

Request your no-obligation case review today.